Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Burning

On January 30th, by light of the full moon, I burned my wedding dress.

This was the most immediate release of negative energy I have ever felt. I can't begin to explain how beautiful and freeing the whole experience was. All of the hurt that went along with my marriage literally went up and away with the smoke.

I invited others to bring pieces of their lives that needed burning as well. Letters, and even another wedding dress were tossed to the flames. We roasted marshmallows, went for a bright night hike in the woods, and talked over hot chocolate while listening to guests take their turn at guitar and accordian. The Burning was more wonderful than I could have imagined, and I rode a high for the next week. My energy level has been insane! (Even more than normal. How is that possible?!) Much thanks to all of the friends who helped bring this night to fruition.

Matthew, my wonderful, artistic mentor, captured the event on video. I saw it just as my state of euphoria was starting to fade, and am currently on another high. Here's the addy if anyone feels inclined to check it out:

P.S. I have been struggling to come up with a new last name for a number of years now, and am pretty certain I finally have a winner... Berligh. Thanks to the ever brilliant DKLG for the inspiration. I am trying it on and feeling it out. Exciting times!


  1. I propose, de L'Amour
    Britt E de L'Amour :)

  2. Lol! I LIKE. I will try this on as well. (Perhaps it will be part of my stage name... hmmm...)

  3. Woosh! I think that was just about as exciting for me as it was for you. The maniacal laughter this forced out of me in setting up was wonderful. Yay Britt
